• Special Education Advisory Committee

    The Roanoke City Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) promotes the education of children and youth with disabilities. SEAC provides advice and guidance to the Superintendent of 新加坡六合彩开奖直播 and to the Roanoke City School Board. Advice and guidance may also be based on input from citizens and constituent groups.

    All meetings are open to the public. SEAC welcomes citizen comments. Citizens wishing to address the committee must notify the committee of their intent to speak, and comments are limited to five minutes per citizen. Submit the public comment form if you would like to speak.

    Download an application to become a member!

  • SEAC Members

    • Amanda Miller (Parent/Guardian)
    • Dominique Finney (Parent/Guardian)
    • Shelley Knisley (Parent/Guardian)
    • Jessie Coffman (Parent/Guardian)
    • Jenny Zuniga (Parent/Guardian)
    • Ronald Marsh (Teacher Representative)
    • Michael Crossan (Consultant)
    • Corey Allder (Consultant)

    2024-25 SEAC Meeting Dates

    Coming Soon!

    Unless otherwise noted, the Special Education Advisory Committee meets from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Central Office Media Center (40 Douglass Ave. NW)

    Please contact the Special Education Department at (540) 853-2468 for assistance with accessing the meeting.